Confirmation FAQs
- Mass for the Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation is to be on Sunday the 23rd of April, 2023 at 10.30am. The Celebrant will be our new bishop, Bishop David Oakley.
- In the Michaelmas Half, boys who wish to be confirmed should, following discussion with their parents, inform the Chaplain, who will put their names on the list of those to be confirmed.
- If boys have siblings in other schools who are of the appropriate age, they may be confirmed here at Eton. Please email the St Nicholas Society about this in the first instance at
- As part of the preparation for Confirmation, those being confirmed need to choose ONE sponsor who will sit with them at the Confirmation Mass. The sponsor should be a Catholic and has often been one of the godparents of those being confirmed.The role of the sponsor is to walk up with the person being confirmed and present them to the Bishop.
- The Confirmation Preparation Course takes place during the Lent Half and includes weekly meetings, and – if possible – a Confirmation Event Evening with fellow confirmands of St. Mary’s Ascot. There will also be Confirmation Quiet Day on the Thursday preceding Confirmation with talks from visiting priests, the celebration of Mass and the opportunity for the sacrament of Confession.
- On the day before the Confirmation Mass – on Saturday 22nd of April 2023 – there will be a rehearsal just for those being confirmed (boys and siblings) at 11.30 am in College Chapel.
- Those being confirmed may apply to their House Masters for leave to go home after the rehearsal on Saturday morning (or after their games commitments on Saturday afternoon) until 9.30am on Sunday.
- Parents, families and friends of those being confirmed may go into College Chapel and find places to sit once the Choir has finished rehearsing in College Chapel. This would usually be from 10 am onwards. The only reserved seats are near the altar for those who are being confirmed and for their sponsors.
- If there are those attending the Confirmation Mass who may have difficulty with regard to the stairs up to College Chapel, there is a stair lift available. Please inform the Chaplain or email the Society at
- The Confirmation Mass begins at 10.30am and is usually over by 12pm.
- Please note that photography of any kind is not permitted in College Chapel. However, after the Confirmation Mass, the Bishop is more than happy to be photographed outside College Chapel with those who have been confirmed.
- The collection at the end of the Confirmation Mass is taken for the charity nominated by the St. Nicholas Society. Details of the charity will be in the Order of Service booklet.
- Immediately after Mass there is – by kind permission of the Provost – a reception of canapés and drinks over the road in School Hall to which those who have been confirmed, their parents, families and friends are all most welcome. (This venue may change depending on the renovation works currently taking place in School Hall)
- If you ever need to obtain a Confirmation Certificate please write to St. Augustine’s at the address below enclosing a large stamped self-addressed envelope together with a rough date of confirmation.
St Augustine’s, 70 Eton Road, Datchet, SL3 9AY
The Confirmation Collection for 2023 was dedicated to ‘Aid to the Church in Need’.